Encryption Process

The encryption process is performed entirely offline. Once DataPrax has processed your authorisation request, a fully customised encryption key package will be sent out to you. This encryption key package enables you to securely encrypt up to three files and update each of those files up to fifty times. Each year, when you renew your software licence, you will be sent out a new encryption key package that extends your power to a further three files with up to fifty updates for those three files.

All encryption processes are performed at your site and the encrypted output files are stored in the location that you set up for that purpose. This can be either on your local hard drive or at any other location that you may choose. The raw information stream is never sent over the internet and, unless you direct otherwise, the encrypted output files are also never sent over the internet. Your password that is used to enter and run the encryption process is also never sent over the internet and cannot be reset by DataPrax or anyone else.

Your raw information stream is broken up into multiple phrases and each phrase is encrypted with a different encryption key. Noise data is also broken up into multiple phrases and each noise phrase is encrypted with a different encryption key. The encryption noise is intertwined with the genuinely encrypted information to produce an encryption stream. Because the encryption noise is jumbled up with the genuinely encrypted data, it is virtually impossible for an intruder to work out where genuinely encrypted information phrases start and end, so a brute force attack cannot be used to decipher your encrypted output file. Additionally, encryption keys are dynamically created at the time they are used. Thus, the keys cannot be discovered by reverse engineering the eTresor software because they are not there.