Password Selection

Have you ever used a six digit number to secure access to the information on your hard drive? How effective a security measure might that be? Any decent computer could perform a brute force attack and try out all one million possibilities in a fraction of a second. So it is probably not that secure against a determined hacker to use a six digit number to protect your hard drive. It is just another six digit number that you have to commit to memory. So ultimately, it comes down to the security of your password access. Additionally, once intruders gain access to your hard drive, they are able to read all your files because you will have saved them with status unencrypted. If you have private information that is worth your while protecting, this is not the way to protect this information unless you are already using some other method to encrypt your private information.

How about this impossible password: К!龙สื/猫’ن♫😉

This ten character password is made up of symbols from a number of different languages as well as some symbols that are not part of any language. eTresor supports passwords of this nature. So, for example, if you have a keyboard that gives you easy access to a thousand symbols, how long would it take a computer to brute force all possible combinations of those symbols in a ten character password at the rate of one million tries per millisecond? It would take over three thousand years.

DataPrax’s eTresor encryption software supports up to sixty characters which can be chosen to include a mix of characters from multiple languages as well as a range of symbols that are not intrinsic to any given language. So, for example, if you have a favourite Japanese poem and start your password from the middle of the second stanza using every second character for sixty characters, you could pick a password that would make unauthorised access to your eTresor software impossible to be discovered by a brute force attack. Additionally, files that are encrypted using the eTresor software never exist in unencrypted format. So even if an intruder gains access to your hard drive, all the personal information that you have secured with the eTresor software is saved as status encrypted and therefore unintelligible to the intruder.