Getting started

Our eTresor product has been designed to provide you with the power to secure your personal information all entirely under your own control. After you have downloaded and installed the eTresor software, DataPrax will supply you with an encryption key package that you install on your computer. Each year, when you renew your eTresor licence, you will receive a new encryption key package. Each encryption key package provides you with the resources to create three encrypted files and to update those encrypted files up to fifty times. Each time you update your encrypted information, the encrypted file that you produce is different from the previous file. This is a major benefit that xylophonic encryption gives you over a single key encryption process.

To get started, you need to synchronise with the DataPrax server. This is so that you can be provided with a customised encryption key package that is tailored for you alone. In order to provide you with unique encryption key packages, DataPrax has to identify your unique eTresor software identity each time that it prepares a tailored encryption key package for your personal use. This synchronisation process is once only and is similar to an online login process, except that you do not use a login identifier and password. The sycnchronisation is performed at a much lower level within the encryption process.

You should note that your password is merely the access gateway to your personal, synchronised copy of the eTresor client software. This password is never sent to the DataPrax server and therefore, if you happen to lose your password, DataPrax will be unable to reset your password. Thus, if you lose your password, you lose the access to read your encrypted information. It is therefore extremely important that you ensure that you are able to recover from a lost password event, for example, by sharing the means to discover your password with another person, who is empowered to discover the password in the event of your becoming incapable to supply your password to your personalised eTresor software.